Sunday, December 5, 2010

Observations in a bar.

Five dollar beers.
Eight friends crowded around a table the size of a large pizza.
Yelling at thetop of you lungs trying to be heard.
Whats not to like?

I have never been intrested in a bar scene.

Having had very little success in the internet dating (fodder for many future posts) world I have decided to try to figure out the bar scene. I spent three hours perched in good vantage point watching the goings on in one of the local watering holes. Here are my observations:
-No one, with the exception of yours truly, arrives alone.
-When a male and female couple arrive togeather the man spends as much time as possible near his date. (I observered one man follow his date to the door of the womens restroom.) When other men approach the man  from the couple has several moments of focused attention trying to dertermine what the intentions of the other man are.
-When two females arrive their intention seems to be to repel the attempts of men to introduce themselves.
-When two men arrive togeather they seem to spend most of their time talking with each other and just looking at the women (usually the servers).

I find it humorous that people do this to meet members of the opposite sex. At least I got to watch the Okalahoma Nebraska game.

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